Will Mothballs Keep Birds Away

The Effectiveness of Mothballs in Keeping Birds Away


Birds can be a nuisance for homeowners and gardeners alike, but thankfully, there are various ways to keep them at bay. One such method is the use of mothballs. Mothballs are a common and inexpensive solution for deterring birds from gardens, balconies, and other outdoor areas. In this article, we will explore the effectiveness of mothballs in keeping birds away and provide a comprehensive guide on how to use them.

What are Mothballs and How Do They Work?

Mothballs are small, round balls made of a pesticide that release a strong odor to repel moths and other insects. The strong smell of mothballs can also serve as a deterrent for birds, keeping them away from areas where they are not wanted.

Types of Mothballs

There are two types of mothballs: naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene. Naphthalene mothballs are made from naphthalene, which is a white, crystalline substance with a strong, pungent odor. Paradichlorobenzene mothballs are made from paradichlorobenzene, which is a white powder with a slightly sweet odor. Both types of mothballs are toxic to birds and can be used to keep them away.

How to Use Mothballs to Deter Birds

To use mothballs to deter birds, you will need to place them in areas where birds are a problem. It is recommended to place them in mesh bags or old nylon stockings, as this will prevent birds from coming into direct contact with the mothballs. You can hang the bags or stockings in trees, on balconies, or near bird feeders.

Important Safety Precautions

When using mothballs to deter birds, it is important to take safety precautions to protect both birds and humans. Mothballs are toxic and can be harmful if ingested by birds or humans. It is important to keep mothballs out of reach of children and pets and to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.

The Effectiveness of Mothballs in Keeping Birds Away

The effectiveness of mothballs in keeping birds away can vary depending on the type of bird and the size of the area being treated. In general, mothballs are most effective in deterring small birds such as sparrows, starlings, and finches. Larger birds, such as crows and pigeons, may be less deterred by the scent of mothballs.

Pros and Cons of Using Mothballs to Deter Birds


  • Inexpensive
  • Easy to use
  • Safe for humans and pets when used as directed


  • Not effective for all birds
  • Toxic to birds and can harm the environment
  • Strong odor can be unpleasant for humans

Alternatives to Mothballs for Deterring Birds

If mothballs are not effective in deterring birds or if you prefer a more eco-friendly solution, there are several alternatives to consider. These alternatives include:

Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are a physical barrier that can be installed on ledges, window sills, and other areas where birds perch. The spikes make it uncomfortable for birds to land and can effectively deter them from the area.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is a flexible mesh material that can be used to cover gardens, balconies, and other outdoor areas to prevent birds from accessing them. The netting is virtually invisible and can be used to protect plants and crops from bird damage.

Bird Repellent Sprays

Bird repellent sprays are sprays that contain natural or chemical ingredients that are unpleasant to birds. These sprays can be used to treat plants and crops to prevent bird damage.

Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to birds. These devices can be used to deter birds from gardens, balconies, and other outdoor areas.


In conclusion, mothballs can be an effective solution for deterring birds in certain situations. However, it is important to use them carefully and follow safety precautions to protect both birds and humans. If you are looking for a more eco-friendly solution, there are several alternatives to consider, such as bird spikes, bird netting, bird repellent sprays, and ultrasonic devices.


1. Are mothballs safe for birds?

No, mothballs are toxic to birds and can be harmful if ingested. It is important to keep mothballs out of reach of birds and to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.

2. How often should I replace mothballs to keep birds away?

The frequency of replacing mothballs will depend on the type of mothball and the size of the area being treated. In general, it is recommended to replace mothballs every 4 to 6 weeks to maintain their effectiveness.

3. Can I use mothballs indoors to keep birds away from my home?

No, mothballs should not be used indoors due to the strong, toxic fumes that they emit. If you need to deter birds from your home, consider using bird spikes, bird netting, bird repellent sprays, or ultrasonic devices.

4. Can I use mothballs in my garden to protect my plants and crops from bird damage?

Yes, you can use mothballs in your garden to deter birds from eating your plants and crops. However, it is important to use them carefully and follow safety precautions to protect both birds and the environment.

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