Will Mothballs Deter Birds

Mothballs and their Effectiveness in Deterring Birds

Introduction to Mothballs

Mothballs are small, solid balls made of insecticide and deodorant that are used to repel moths, beetles, and other insects. They have a strong, pungent odor that is unpleasant to many insects and animals, including birds. Despite their primary use for controlling insect pests, many people believe that mothballs can also be used to keep birds away from their property. In this article, we will explore the effectiveness of mothballs in deterring birds and discuss whether this is a safe and effective method for bird control.

How Mothballs Work

Mothballs work by emitting a strong, pungent odor that is unpleasant to insects and other pests. The active ingredient in most mothballs is naphthalene, which is a type of chemical that is toxic to insects and other pests. When mothballs are placed in closets, attics, or other areas where pests are present, the fumes from the mothballs will deter the pests from entering or staying in the area.

Mothballs and Birds

While mothballs are primarily used to control insect pests, many people believe that they can also be used to keep birds away from their property. The strong odor of mothballs is unpleasant to birds, and it is believed that the fumes from the mothballs will deter birds from entering an area. However, there is limited research to support the effectiveness of mothballs in deterring birds, and some experts warn against using this method for bird control.

Safety Concerns with Mothballs

One of the biggest concerns with using mothballs for bird control is the potential danger to humans and pets. Mothballs are highly toxic and can cause serious health problems if they are ingested or inhaled. In addition, the fumes from mothballs can be irritating to the eyes, skin, and respiratory system, and can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

Alternatives to Mothballs for Bird Control

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to deter birds from your property, there are several alternatives to mothballs that you can consider. Some of the most popular methods for bird control include:

1. Physical Barriers

Physical barriers, such as netting or spikes, can be used to prevent birds from landing on ledges, rooflines, or other areas where they are not wanted. This method is effective, but it can also be unsightly and may not be practical in all situations.

2. Visual Deterrents

Visual deterrents, such as reflective tape or flash tape, can be used to scare birds away from an area. These deterrents work by reflecting light and creating a flashing effect that is intimidating to birds.

3. Audio Deterrents

Audio deterrents, such as bird distress calls or predator calls, can be used to scare birds away from an area. This method is effective, but it can also be annoying to humans and may not be practical in all situations.

4. Chemical Repellents

Chemical repellents, such as sprays or granules, can be used to deter birds from an area. These products contain natural or synthetic ingredients that are unpleasant to birds, but they are typically safe for humans and pets. Some popular chemical repellents include chili pepper, garlic, and capsaicin, which are all natural ingredients that are unpleasant to birds.


In conclusion, while mothballs may have some effectiveness in deterring birds, they are not the safest or most practical method for bird control. There are many alternatives to mothballs that are safer and more effective, such as physical barriers, visual deterrents, audio deterrents, and chemical repellents. When choosing a method for bird control, it is important to consider the specific needs of your property and the type of birds that you are trying to deter. With the right approach, you can successfully keep birds away from your property and maintain a safe and healthy environment.


1. Are mothballs safe for humans and pets?

No, mothballs are highly toxic and can cause serious health problems if they are ingested or inhaled. The fumes from mothballs can also be irritating to the eyes, skin, and respiratory system.

2. Do mothballs actually deter birds?

There is limited research to support the effectiveness of mothballs in deterring birds, and some experts warn against using this method for bird control.

3. What are some alternative methods for bird control?

Some alternative methods for bird control include physical barriers, visual deterrents, audio deterrents, and chemical repellents.

4. How do I choose the best method for bird control for my property?

When choosing a method for bird control, it is important to consider the specific needs of your property and the type of birds that you are trying to deter. With the right approach, you can successfully keep birds away from your property and maintain a safe and healthy environment.

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