How To Train A Bearded Dragon


Are you a proud owner of a bearded dragon or considering getting one as a pet? Training your bearded dragon is not only a great way to bond with your reptile companion but also an essential step in ensuring their well-being. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of training a bearded dragon, from basic obedience commands to more advanced tricks. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced reptile enthusiast, this guide will provide you with the necessary knowledge and techniques to train your bearded dragon effectively.

Table of Contents

1. Understanding Bearded Dragon Behavior
- The Importance of Understanding Behavior
- Communication Signals
- Common Behavioral Issues

2. Establishing a Positive Relationship
- Building Trust
- Bonding Activities
- Handling and Touching

3. Basic Obedience Training
- Litter Training
- Leash Training
- Recall Training

4. Advanced Tricks and Enrichment
- Target Training
- Agility Training
- Puzzle Toys and Mental Stimulation

Understanding Bearded Dragon Behavior

Before diving into the training process, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of your bearded dragon's behavior. Bearded dragons are known for their docile nature, but they still have unique communication signals and behavioral patterns that can help you better understand their needs.

The Importance of Understanding Behavior

By familiarizing yourself with your bearded dragon's behavior, you can more effectively address any issues that may arise during the training process. Understanding their body language, such as head bobbing or tail puffing, can indicate whether they are stressed, happy, or feeling threatened. Being able to interpret these signals will help you tailor your training approach accordingly.

Communication Signals

Bearded dragons use a variety of signals to communicate their feelings. For example, a bearded dragon may exhibit a relaxed posture, with their body flat and limbs extended, to indicate contentment. On the other hand, a defensive posture, such as a raised and puffed-up beard or flattened body, might indicate distress or aggression.

Common Behavioral Issues

Some common behavioral issues in bearded dragons include aggression, refusal to eat, or even excessive hiding. These issues can often be addressed through proper training and environmental enrichment. By observing your bearded dragon's behavior closely, you can identify any issues and work towards resolving them through training techniques.

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Establishing a Positive Relationship

Building a positive relationship with your bearded dragon is crucial for successful training. By establishing trust and bonding through various activities, you can create a strong foundation for your training sessions.

Building Trust

Bearded dragons, like any other animal, need to feel safe and secure to form a bond with their owner. Spend time near their enclosure, talking softly and offering treats. Slowly introduce your hand into their enclosure and allow them to approach you at their own pace. This gradual approach builds trust and helps your bearded dragon associate your presence with positive experiences.

Bonding Activities

Engaging in bonding activities with your bearded dragon can further strengthen your relationship. These activities can include hand-feeding, gentle petting, and allowing them to explore outside their enclosure under supervision. By spending quality time together, you create a positive association between training sessions and bonding experiences.

Handling and Touching

Regular handling and touching are essential for training your bearded dragon. Gently stroke their back or scratch the area under their chin, as these are often well-received gestures. Gradually introduce more contact, such as picking them up and holding them, ensuring proper support for their body. The more comfortable they become with handling, the easier it will be to train them.

Basic Obedience Training

Once you have established a positive relationship and your bearded dragon is comfortable with handling, you can start with basic obedience training. These fundamental commands help ensure their safety and make daily interactions more manageable.

Litter Training

Litter training your bearded dragon can be a beneficial step, especially if you plan to allow them to roam freely outside their enclosure. Start by placing a small litter tray or shallow dish with a reptile-safe substrate in their enclosure. Whenever you notice your bearded dragon defecating, gently place them in the tray to help them associate it with the appropriate behavior. Consistency and positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, will encourage them to use the designated area consistently.

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Leash Training

Leash training allows you to safely take your bearded dragon for outdoor adventures. Start by getting them accustomed to wearing a small, lightweight harness. Begin by placing the harness near them during bonding sessions, gradually progressing to securing it around their body. Once they are comfortable, attach a lightweight leash and let them explore a controlled outdoor space. Always supervise them closely during these outings and be mindful of their safety.

Recall Training

Training your bearded dragon to come when called is a vital command for their safety. Begin indoors in a quiet environment and use a target stick or your hand as a visual cue. Extend the target stick or your hand and call their name, rewarding them with a treat or praise when they come. Gradually increase the distance and introduce distractions to make the recall command reliable in various situations.

Advanced Tricks and Enrichment

Once your bearded dragon has mastered basic obedience commands, you can move on to more advanced tricks and enrichment activities. These exercises provide mental stimulation and prevent boredom, ensuring a happy and healthy reptile companion.

Target Training

Target training involves teaching your bearded dragon to touch a designated object, such as a stick or a specific spot, with their nose or paw. Start by presenting the target object and rewarding them when they interact with it. Gradually shape their behavior by requiring them to touch the target for longer periods before giving a reward. Target training can be utilized for various tricks and behaviors, such as climbing onto a specific perch or following a specific path.

Agility Training

Agility training offers physical and mental exercise for your bearded dragon. Create a small obstacle course using reptile-safe materials, such as tunnels or small platforms. Encourage your bearded dragon to navigate the course, providing treats or praise as they complete each section. Regular agility training sessions help improve their coordination, strength, and overall well-being.

Puzzle Toys and Mental Stimulation

Providing puzzle toys and other forms of mental stimulation helps keep your bearded dragon engaged and prevents boredom. These toys can include food puzzles, where they have to manipulate objects to access their treats, or interactive toys that encourage problem-solving. Incorporating mental stimulation into their daily routine enhances their cognitive abilities and promotes a happy and content bearded dragon.

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Training a bearded dragon requires patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of their behavior. By establishing a positive relationship, mastering basic obedience commands, and engaging in enrichment activities, you can enhance the bond with your bearded dragon while improving their overall well-being. Remember, each bearded dragon is unique, so tailor your training techniques to suit their individual needs. Enjoy the journey of training and bonding with your reptile companion!


How to Train a Bearded Dragon

1. Can bearded dragons be trained to do tricks?
Yes, bearded dragons can be trained to do simple tricks such as walking on a leash or performing basic commands.

2. What are some tips for training a bearded dragon?
Some tips for training a bearded dragon include using positive reinforcement, being patient and consistent, and starting with simple commands before moving on to more complex tricks.

3. How long does it take to train a bearded dragon?
The time it takes to train a bearded dragon can vary depending on the individual lizard and the training method used. It may take a few weeks to several months for a bearded dragon to learn and consistently perform a trick.

4. Can bearded dragons be potty trained?
Yes, bearded dragons can be potty trained to an extent. By observing their natural bathroom behaviors and placing them in a designated area, they can learn to associate that spot with elimination.

5. Are there any special treats that can be used for training a bearded dragon?
Yes, there are commercially available treats specifically made for bearded dragons that can be used as rewards during training. These treats are usually made of dried insects or fruits and should be given in moderation to maintain a balanced diet for the lizard.

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