How To Keep Birds Out Of Open Buildings

How to Keep Birds Out of Open Buildings


Birds can be a nuisance in open buildings, causing damage to the structure and spreading debris and droppings throughout the space. In addition to the unsanitary conditions they can create, birds can also be carriers of diseases that can pose a threat to human health. Fortunately, there are several strategies that can be implemented to keep birds away from open buildings and prevent them from becoming a problem.

Identifying Problematic Bird Species

Not all birds are equally problematic when it comes to open buildings. Some species, such as pigeons and sparrows, are known for their tendency to roost and nest in such structures. Identifying the specific species of birds that are causing problems in a particular building is the first step in developing an effective solution.

Exclusion Methods

Exclusion methods involve physically blocking birds from entering a building. These methods can include installing physical barriers, such as bird spikes or netting, over open areas where birds are known to roost or nest. Another exclusion method is to cover open spaces, such as skylights or vents, with fine mesh screening that will keep birds out while still allowing air and light to circulate.

Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are a type of physical barrier that can be installed along ledges, rooflines, and other areas where birds are known to roost or nest. They consist of rows of long, pointed spikes that make it difficult or impossible for birds to land or perch on a surface.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is a type of physical barrier that can be used to cover open spaces, such as skylights or vents, to keep birds from entering a building. The netting is made of a fine, durable material that allows air and light to circulate while preventing birds from getting in.

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Screening can be used to cover open spaces, such as vents and skylights, to keep birds out of a building. The screening material should be fine enough to prevent birds from entering while still allowing air and light to circulate.

Habitat Modification

Another approach to keeping birds away from open buildings is to modify the habitat around the structure to make it less attractive to birds. This can include removing nearby trees or other structures that birds use for roosting or nesting, trimming overgrown vegetation, and removing sources of food and water.

Deterrent Devices

There are several types of deterrent devices that can be used to keep birds away from open buildings, including audio and visual deterrents. These devices emit loud, unpleasant noises or flashing lights that are intended to scare birds away from a building.

Audio Deterrents

Audio deterrents emit loud, unpleasant sounds that are intended to scare birds away from a building. These sounds can include predator calls, alarms, or other noises that birds find threatening.

Visual Deterrents

Visual deterrents use flashing lights or other types of movement to scare birds away from a building. These deterrents can be especially effective when used in conjunction with audio deterrents.

Repellent Chemicals

Repellent chemicals can also be used to keep birds away from open buildings. These chemicals are usually applied to surfaces where birds are known to roost or nest


In conclusion, keeping birds out of open buildings requires a multi-faceted approach that includes exclusion methods, habitat modification, deterrent devices, and repellent chemicals. The specific approach will vary depending on the species of birds causing problems, the type of building, and the resources available. It is important to work with a professional to develop a comprehensive bird control plan that will effectively address the specific needs of a particular building.

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What are some common bird species that cause problems in open buildings?

Common bird species that can cause problems in open buildings include pigeons, sparrows, and starlings.

What are some effective exclusion methods for keeping birds out of open buildings?

Effective exclusion methods include installing bird spikes, bird netting, and fine mesh screening.

What is the best approach for modifying the habitat around a building to keep birds away?

The best approach for modifying the habitat around a building to keep birds away is to remove nearby trees and other structures that birds use for roosting or nesting, trim overgrown vegetation, and remove sources of food and water.

What are some effective deterrent devices for keeping birds away from open buildings?

Effective deterrent devices for keeping birds away from open buildings include audio deterrents and visual deterrents. These devices emit loud, unpleasant noises or flashing lights that are intended to scare birds away from a building.

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