How To Keep Birds Out Of My Hanging Ferns

How to Keep Birds Out of Your Hanging Ferns

Birds are beautiful creatures, but they can also be a nuisance when it comes to your hanging ferns. Their droppings, nests, and constant pecking can cause damage to your plants and make it difficult for them to thrive. But don't worry, there are several ways to keep birds away from your hanging ferns.

Identifying the Problem

Before you can take steps to keep birds away from your hanging ferns, it's important to identify the problem. Observe the area around your plants to determine which birds are causing the issue. Are they perching on the branches or are they digging into the soil? Do they seem to be attracted to the plants themselves or are they attracted to the insects in the area? Knowing what attracts the birds to your plants will help you determine the best course of action to keep them away.

Physical Barriers

One of the easiest ways to keep birds away from your hanging ferns is to use physical barriers. These can include bird netting, chicken wire, or even plastic netting. The key is to cover the entire plant so that the birds cannot access it. Be sure to secure the netting to the walls, floor, or ceiling to prevent birds from slipping through any gaps.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is a popular option for keeping birds away from your hanging ferns. It is lightweight, easy to install, and can be easily removed for maintenance. There are several types of bird netting available, including black, green, and clear. Choose the color that best matches your decor and makes the netting less noticeable.

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Chicken Wire

Chicken wire is another option for keeping birds away from your hanging ferns. It is more heavy-duty than bird netting and is ideal for larger areas or for protecting larger plants. However, chicken wire can be more difficult to install and is more noticeable than bird netting. If you choose to use chicken wire, be sure to cover the entire plant and secure it to the walls, floor, or ceiling to prevent birds from slipping through any gaps.

Plastic Netting

Plastic netting is another option for keeping birds away from your hanging ferns. It is lightweight and easy to install, but it can be more noticeable than bird netting or chicken wire. If you choose to use plastic netting, be sure to secure it to the walls, floor, or ceiling to prevent birds from slipping through any gaps.

Visual Deterrents

Another way to keep birds away from your hanging ferns is to use visual deterrents. These can include shiny objects, reflective tape, or even fake owls. The idea is to create a visual barrier that will scare the birds away. Choose the deterrent that best matches your decor and makes the least amount of impact on your space.

Shiny Objects

Shiny objects such as aluminum pie pans, CDs, or shiny balloons can be hung near your hanging ferns to keep birds away. The reflection from the shiny objects can create a visual barrier that will scare the birds away. However, be sure to change the location of the objects regularly to

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maintain their effectiveness as birds can quickly become accustomed to them.

Reflective Tape

Reflective tape is another option for keeping birds away from your hanging ferns. The tape reflects light and creates a visual barrier that will scare the birds away. The tape is easy to install and can be cut to the desired length. However, be sure to replace the tape regularly as it can become less effective over time due to weathering and fading.

Fake Owls

Fake owls can be used as a visual deterrent to keep birds away from your hanging ferns. The realistic appearance of the owl can scare birds away, as they associate owls with danger. However, be sure to change the location of the fake owl regularly, as birds can quickly become accustomed to it.

Auditory Deterrents

Auditory deterrents can also be used to keep birds away from your hanging ferns. These can include bird alarms, bird distress calls, or even a simple radio. The idea is to create a sound that will scare the birds away. Choose the deterrent that is most effective for the type of birds you are trying to keep away and that will not disturb your neighbors or yourself.

Bird Alarms

Bird alarms emit a loud, high-pitched sound that will scare birds away. The alarms are easy to install and can be triggered by motion or a timer. However, be sure to choose a bird alarm that is designed for the type of birds you are trying to keep away, as some alarms may not be effective for certain species.

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Bird Distress Calls

Bird distress calls are recordings of birds in distress that will scare other birds away. The calls are played through speakers and can be triggered by motion or a timer. However, be sure to choose a bird distress call that is designed for the type of birds you are trying to keep away, as some calls may not be effective for certain species.


A simple radio can also be used to keep birds away from your hanging ferns. The idea is to play loud music or talk radio that will scare the birds away. However, be sure to choose a station that will not disturb your neighbors or yourself.


Keeping birds away from your hanging ferns can be a challenge, but there are several options available. Whether you choose to use physical barriers, visual deterrents, or auditory deterrents, the key is to choose the option that best matches your needs and decor. With a little patience and persistence, you can protect your hanging ferns from bird damage and keep them thriving for years to come.


What is the best way to keep birds away from my hanging ferns?

The best way to keep birds away from your hanging ferns will depend on the type of birds you are trying to keep away and your personal preferences. Options include physical barriers, such as bird netting or chicken wire, visual deterrents, such as shiny objects or fake owls, and auditory deterrents, such as bird alarms or a simple radio.

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