How To Keep Birds Out Of Boat House

How to Keep Birds Out of Boat House

Birds can be a nuisance for boat owners, especially when they start making their nests inside the boat house. This not only makes it difficult for you to access your boat, but it can also cause damage to the boat and the boat house. In this article, we'll cover some tips and tricks to keep birds out of your boat house and protect your boat from damage.

Why Birds Are Attracted to Boat Houses

Birds are naturally drawn to boat houses because they provide shelter and a safe place to build their nests. The dark and quiet environment inside a boat house is ideal for birds to lay their eggs and raise their young. Additionally, boat houses often have a flat roof or open rafters that provide a perfect surface for birds to build their nests.

Inspection and Cleaning

The first step in keeping birds out of your boat house is to inspect it for any signs of bird activity. Look for nests, feathers, droppings, and any other signs that birds have been using your boat house. If you find any evidence of bird activity, remove the nests and clean up the droppings. This will discourage birds from using your boat house as a place to nest.

Physical Barriers

Physical barriers are one of the most effective ways to keep birds out of your boat house. You can install bird spikes, bird netting, or bird wire on the roof and rafters to prevent birds from landing and building nests. These physical barriers will also discourage birds from entering the boat house through open windows or doors.

Visual Deterrents

Visual deterrents can be used to scare birds away from your boat house. You can hang shiny objects such as CDs, aluminum foil, or old CDs from the roof and rafters to scare birds away. You can also hang fake owls or other predator decoys to intimidate birds and discourage them from entering the boat house.

Sound Deterrents

Sound deterrents are another effective way to keep birds out of your boat house. You can use bird distress calls or bird predator calls to scare birds away. You can also install a bird alarm or bird whistle that will emit a loud noise when birds enter the boat house. These sound deterrents will make the birds feel unsafe and they will quickly leave the area.

Chemical Repellents

Chemical repellents can be used to keep birds away from your boat house. You can use bird repellent sprays or bird repellent gels on the roof and rafters to prevent birds from landing and building nests. These chemical repellents have a strong odor that birds find unpleasant and will discourage them from using your boat house as a place to nest.

Light Deterrents

Light deterrents can be used to scare birds away from your boat house. You can install motion-activated lights or flashing lights on the roof and rafters to scare birds away. The sudden burst of light will intimidate the birds and discourage them from entering the boat house.


In conclusion, there are several ways to keep birds out of your boat house.

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