How To Keep Birds Out Of Barn Rafters

How to Keep Birds Out of Barn Rafters: A Comprehensive Guide

Birds can be a nuisance in barns, causing damage to rafters, droppings, and even fires from the buildup of their nests. The presence of birds in a barn can also pose a health risk to both animals and humans. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to keep birds out of barn rafters.

1. Identify the Species of Birds

The first step in keeping birds out of your barn rafters is to identify the species of birds that are causing the problem. This will help you determine the best methods to use to deter them from entering the barn.

2. Seal Off Entry Points

The next step is to seal off any entry points that the birds may be using to enter the barn. This can include holes in the roof, broken windows, or gaps in the walls. Use a durable material, such as metal or hard plastic, to cover these openings, and ensure that they are properly sealed to prevent the birds from entering.

3. Use Physical Barriers

Physical barriers, such as bird netting or bird spikes, can also be used to keep birds out of barn rafters. Bird netting is a fine mesh material that can be installed over openings to prevent birds from entering, while bird spikes are sharp, pointed structures that can be installed on ledges and rafters to deter birds from landing and nesting.

4. Employ Noise Deterrents

Noise deterrents, such as high-pitched alarms, can also be effective in keeping birds out of barn rafters. These devices emit a loud, high-pitched sound that is unpleasant to birds and will discourage them from entering the barn.

5. Use Visual Deterrents

Visual deterrents, such as reflective tape or flashy objects, can also be used to keep birds away from barn rafters. These deterrents use movement and light to scare birds, making it less likely for them to enter the barn.

6. Use Chemical Repellents

Chemical repellents, such as bird repellent sprays, can also be used to keep birds out of barn rafters. These sprays contain a strong scent that is unpleasant to birds and will discourage them from entering the barn.

7. Remove Nesting Materials

Removing nesting materials, such as twigs and leaves, from the barn can also help deter birds from entering and nesting in the rafters. Regular cleaning and removal of nesting materials will make the barn less attractive to birds, reducing the likelihood of them entering and nesting in the rafters.

8. Implement a Monitoring Program

Implementing a monitoring program can also be effective in keeping birds out of barn rafters. Regular inspections of the barn can help you identify potential entry points and nesting sites, allowing you to take action before the birds have a chance to enter and cause damage.

9. Seek Professional Assistance

If you are unable to effectively keep birds out of your barn rafters on your own, seeking professional assistance may be necessary. A wildlife expert or pest control specialist can help you determine the best methods for keeping birds out of your barn, and can provide you with the necessary tools and equipment to effectively implement these methods.

10. Maintain a Clean and Sanitary Environment

Finally, maintaining a clean and sanitary environment in your barn can also help keep birds out of the rafters. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of the barn will reduce the presence of food and water sources that may attract birds, making it less likely for them to enter and nest in the rafters.


Birds can cause significant damage and pose a health risk in barns, but there are many effective methods for keeping them out of the rafters. From sealing off entry points to using physical barriers, noise deterrents, and chemical repellents, there are many options available to help you protect your barn from the negative effects of birds. Regular monitoring, professional assistance, and maintaining a clean and sanitary environment can also play a crucial role in keeping birds out of barn rafters.


1. What is the best method for keeping birds out of barn rafters?

The best method for keeping birds out of barn rafters will vary depending on the species of birds and the specific circumstances of your barn. A combination of sealing off entry points, using physical barriers, noise deterrents, visual deterrents, chemical repellents, and maintaining a clean and sanitary environment can be effective in keeping birds out of the rafters.

2. Are chemical repellents safe for use in barns?

Chemical repellents, when used as directed, are generally safe for use in barns. However, it is important to always follow the manufacturer's instructions and to take necessary precautions, such as wearing protective clothing, when using these products.

3. Can bird spikes cause harm to birds?

Bird spikes are designed to deter birds from landing and nesting on ledges and rafters, but they are not intended to cause harm to birds. When installed properly, bird spikes should not cause injury to birds, but it is always important to follow the manufacturer's instructions to ensure their safe and effective use.

4. How often should I clean and remove nesting materials from my barn?

The frequency of cleaning and removing nesting materials from your barn will depend on the level of bird activity in the area. Regular inspections and monitoring of the barn can help you determine the appropriate frequency for cleaning and removal of nesting materials, and taking action promptly can help reduce the risk of damage from bird nests.

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