How To Keep Birds From Building Nests In Hanging Plants

How to Keep Birds from Building Nests in Hanging Plants

Birds are beautiful creatures that add a touch of nature to our homes. However, their nests can cause problems when they are built in hanging plants. Nests can block the light from reaching the plants, causing them to wilt, and can also make it difficult to water and care for the plants. In this article, we will explore some practical and effective ways to keep birds from building nests in hanging plants and maintain a healthy and beautiful indoor garden.

Understand Why Birds Build Nests in Hanging Plants

Before we dive into the methods to prevent birds from building nests in hanging plants, it is important to understand why they do so in the first place. Birds are attracted to hanging plants because they provide a safe and secure environment to build their nests. The foliage and branches of the plants offer protection from predators and the elements. Additionally, hanging plants provide a convenient location for birds to build their nests as they are easily accessible and can be built without the need to climb trees or other structures.

Use Repellent Sprays

One of the most effective methods to keep birds from building nests in hanging plants is to use a repellent spray. There are several commercial bird repellent sprays available that are safe for use around plants and animals. These sprays contain a strong odor that birds find unpleasant and will keep them from building nests in the hanging plants. Simply spray the repellent on the leaves and branches of the hanging plants and reapply as needed. This method is especially useful for preventing birds from building nests in outdoor hanging plants.

Hang CDs and Aluminum Foil

Another simple and effective method to keep birds from building nests in hanging plants is to hang CDs and aluminum foil near the plants. The reflective surface of the CDs and aluminum foil will scare birds away and keep them from building nests in the hanging plants. This method is especially useful for outdoor hanging plants and can be combined with the use of repellent sprays for even better results.

Install Physical Barriers

Physical barriers can also be effective in preventing birds from building nests in hanging plants. For indoor hanging plants, you can install netting or mesh around the plants to keep birds out. For outdoor hanging plants, you can install bird spikes or plastic bird deterrents on the branches and foliage to prevent birds from landing and building nests. Physical barriers are an effective and long-lasting solution, but they can be unsightly and may require regular maintenance to keep them in good condition.

Remove Existing Nests

If birds have already built nests in your hanging plants, it is important to remove them promptly. Nests can block the light and airflow to the plants, causing them to wilt and become unhealthy. To remove a nest, gently pull it away from the plant and dispose of it. If the nest contains eggs or young birds, it is best to leave it in place and wait until the birds have fledged before removing it. This method is only applicable for outdoor hanging plants.

Plant Species that are Less Attractive to Birds

Another way to prevent birds from building nests in hanging plants is to choose plant species that are less attractive to birds. Some plants have leaves that are tough and unappealing to birds, while others have an unpleasant odor that deters birds. Some examples of plant species that are less attractive to birds include ivy, ferns, and succulents. When choosing plants for your indoor or outdoor hanging garden, consider selecting species that are less likely to attract birds and reduce the need for bird deterrent measures.

Create a Bird-Friendly Environment

While it is important to keep birds from building nests in hanging plants, it is also important to create a bird-friendly environment. Birds play an important role in the ecosystem and provide many benefits such as pollination and insect control. Consider installing birdhouses and bird feeders in other areas of your yard or garden to provide birds with a suitable location to build their nests. By creating a bird-friendly environment, you can reduce the need for bird deterrent measures and help protect these important creatures.


Preventing birds from building nests in hanging plants is an important task for maintaining a healthy and beautiful indoor or outdoor garden. By using repellent sprays, hanging CDs and aluminum foil, installing physical barriers, removing existing nests, planting species that are less attractive to birds, and creating a bird-friendly environment, you can effectively keep birds from building nests in your hanging plants. With these practical and effective methods, you can enjoy a thriving indoor or outdoor garden without the worry of bird nests disrupting your plants.


What is the most effective method to keep birds from building nests in hanging plants?

The most effective method to keep birds from building nests in hanging plants will vary depending on the individual situation. Some of the most effective methods include using repellent sprays, hanging CDs and aluminum foil, installing physical barriers, removing existing nests, planting species that are less attractive to birds, and creating a bird-friendly environment.

Are commercial bird repellent sprays safe for use around plants and animals?

Most commercial bird repellent sprays are safe for use around plants and animals. However, it is important to read the label and follow the instructions carefully to ensure that the spray is safe for your specific situation. Some sprays may not be safe for use around certain types of plants or animals, so it is important to choose the right product for your needs.

What if birds have already built nests in my hanging plants?

If birds have already built nests in your hanging plants, it is important to remove them promptly. Nests can block the light and airflow to the plants, causing them to wilt and become unhealthy. To remove a nest, gently pull it away from the plant and dispose of it. If the nest contains eggs or young birds, it is best to leave it in place and wait until the birds have fledged before removing it.

Can physical barriers be unsightly in my indoor or outdoor garden?

Physical barriers such as bird spikes or plastic bird deterrents can be unsightly in your indoor or outdoor garden. However, they are an effective and long-lasting solution for preventing birds from building nests in hanging plants. If you are concerned about the appearance of physical barriers, you can consider installing them in less visible locations or incorporating them into your overall garden design for a more aesthetically pleasing look.

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