How To Keep Birds From Building Nests On Outdoor Lights

How to Keep Birds from Building Nests on Outdoor Lights


Birds are known to build nests in various locations including on outdoor lights. While it may seem cute and harmless, it can be a problem as bird droppings can create a mess and cause damage to your property. In this article, we will provide you with practical tips and solutions on how to prevent birds from building nests on your outdoor lights.

Understanding Bird Behaviour

It is important to understand why birds choose to build nests on outdoor lights. Birds are attracted to lights for the warmth and security they provide. They also like the open and exposed location that allows them to keep an eye out for potential predators. To effectively prevent birds from building nests on your outdoor lights, it is essential to understand their behavior and nesting habits.

Physical Deterrents

One of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent birds from building nests on outdoor lights is to use physical deterrents. This can include products like bird spikes, bird netting, or even bird repellent sprays. These deterrents physically block birds from landing and building nests on your lights. They are effective, affordable, and can be easily installed.

Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are long, thin spikes that are attached to the surface where birds are trying to nest. They are made of a durable material such as plastic or metal and prevent birds from landing and building nests on your lights. They are an effective and affordable solution and come in a variety of sizes to fit different types of lights.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is another physical deterrent that can be used to prevent birds from building nests on your lights. It is a simple and effective solution that involves draping a fine-meshed netting over the lights. The netting makes it difficult for birds to access the lights and prevents them from building nests.

Bird Repellent Sprays

Bird repellent sprays are a type of chemical deterrent that can be used to keep birds away from your lights. These sprays emit a strong odor that birds find unpleasant and will keep them from landing and building nests on your lights. It is important to choose a bird repellent spray that is safe and environmentally friendly.

Lighting Changes

Another way to prevent birds from building nests on your outdoor lights is to make changes to the lighting itself. By making small changes to the lighting, you can make it less attractive to birds and prevent them from building nests on your lights.

Motion Sensors

Motion sensors are a great solution for preventing birds from building nests on your lights. These sensors detect movement and turn the lights on and off, making it difficult for birds to build nests. This solution is both effective and energy-efficient.

Light Timers

Light timers are another way to prevent birds from building nests on your lights. By setting a timer for when the lights turn on and off, you can make it difficult for birds to build nests. This solution is both effective and energy-efficient.

Light Coversings

Light coverings are another solution to prevent birds from building nests on your lights. By covering the lights, you can make it less attractive to birds and prevent them from building nests. There are a variety of coverings available including plastic covers and mesh coverings.

< h2>Environmental Changes

In addition to physical deterrents and lighting changes, you can also make changes to your environment to prevent birds from building nests on your outdoor lights.

Provide Alternative Nesting Sites

One way to prevent birds from building nests on your lights is to provide alternative nesting sites. This can include birdhouses, bird feeders, and birdbaths. By offering these alternative sites, you can encourage birds to build their nests elsewhere and prevent them from building nests on your lights.

Remove Attractants

Another way to prevent birds from building nests on your lights is to remove any attractants that may be present. This can include removing food sources, such as bird feeders, and cleaning up any bird droppings. By removing these attractants, you can make your property less attractive to birds and prevent them from building nests on your lights.

Trim Trees and Shrubs

Trimming trees and shrubs can also help to prevent birds from building nests on your outdoor lights. By trimming the vegetation near your lights, you can reduce the number of perches available for birds and make it less likely that they will build nests on your lights.


In conclusion, there are several practical and effective ways to prevent birds from building nests on your outdoor lights. Whether it's through the use of physical deterrents, lighting changes, or environmental changes, you can find a solution that works for you. Remember to always consider the safety of the birds and choose solutions that are safe and environmentally friendly.


1. Are bird spikes safe for birds?

Yes, bird spikes are generally safe for birds. They simply prevent birds from landing and building nests on your lights and do not harm the birds in any way.

2. Can I use bird repellent sprays on my lights?

Yes, you can use bird repellent sprays on your lights. However, it is important to choose a bird repellent spray that is safe and environmentally friendly.

3. Are light timers an effective solution to prevent birds from building nests on my lights?

Yes, light timers can be an effective solution to prevent birds from building nests on your lights. By setting a timer for when the lights turn on and off, you can make it difficult for birds to build nests.

4. Can trimming trees and shrubs prevent birds from building nests on my lights?

Yes, trimming trees and shrubs can help to prevent birds from building nests on your lights. By reducing the number of perches available, you can make it less likely that birds will build nests on your lights.

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