Will Rabbits Eat Hydrangeas

Are you a proud gardener who adores the mesmerizing beauty of hydrangeas? Imagine waking up one morning, eagerly stepping into your garden, only to find your cherished hydrangea bushes ravaged by uninvited nibblers. As your heart sinks, you wonder, "Will rabbits eat hydrangeas?" This question, brimming with curiosity and concern, has piqued the interest of many green thumbs like yourself. Today, we embark on a horticultural journey to explore the intricate relationship between rabbits and hydrangeas. By delving into the habits, preferences, and possible deterrents, we aim to unravel the mystery behind these fluffy herbivores and their appetite for these vibrant blooms. So, grab your gardening gloves and join us as we uncover the secrets that lie within the world of rabbits and hydrangeas.

Will Rabbits Eat Hydrangeas?

Many gardeners are often concerned about whether rabbits will eat their beloved hydrangeas. Rabbits are known to be voracious eaters, and their appetite for a variety of plants can be frustrating for garden enthusiasts. However, when it comes to hydrangeas, the answer is not as straightforward.

Factors Influencing Rabbit Feeding Habits

Several factors can influence whether rabbits will nibble on hydrangeas or not. One of the crucial elements is the availability of other food sources in the area. If rabbits have an abundance of other preferred food options, such as grasses, clovers, or vegetables, they are less likely to target hydrangeas.

Rabbit-Resistant Hydrangea Varieties

If you want to grow hydrangeas but are worried about rabbits destroying your plants, consider selecting rabbit-resistant hydrangea varieties. Certain hydrangea species, such as the paniculata or arborescens types, are less appealing to rabbits due to their taste or texture. These varieties can be a great choice for rabbit-prone areas.

Protecting Hydrangeas from Rabbit Damage

If rabbit activity is high in your garden and you still want to grow hydrangeas, it's essential to take preventive measures to protect your plants. One effective method is to create a physical barrier around the hydrangeas using fencing or netting. Ensure the barrier is buried a few inches into the ground to prevent rabbits from burrowing underneath.

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Natural Deterrents for Rabbits

There are also natural deterrents that can help keep rabbits away from hydrangeas. Planting herbs like thyme, lavender, or sage near your hydrangeas can repel rabbits due to their strong scents. Additionally, using natural repellents like vinegar or garlic spray on and around your hydrangeas may discourage rabbits from approaching the plants.

Dealing with Rabbit Infestations

If you're facing a significant rabbit infestation in your garden and your hydrangeas are being consistently targeted, it might be time to consider professional help. Contact a local pest control expert who specializes in dealing with rabbit problems. They can provide effective and safe solutions to protect your hydrangeas and other plants.


While rabbits can be a nuisance for gardeners, their preference for hydrangeas may vary. By understanding the factors that influence their feeding habits and implementing preventive measures, you can enjoy the beauty of hydrangeas in your garden while keeping rabbits at bay.

1. Will rabbits eat hydrangeas?

Answer: Yes, rabbits are known to eat hydrangeas. They find the leaves and stems of hydrangea plants quite appealing.

2. How can I prevent rabbits from eating my hydrangeas?

Answer: To protect your hydrangeas from rabbits, you can use physical barriers like fences or chicken wire around the plants. Additionally, applying repellents or using natural deterrents such as cayenne pepper or garlic spray can discourage rabbits from feasting on your hydrangeas.

3. Are all hydrangea varieties equally attractive to rabbits?

Answer: While rabbits generally have a preference for hydrangeas, some varieties are more enticing to them than others. For example, young rabbits often target tender leaves, so varieties with soft, new growth may be particularly vulnerable.

4. Can rabbits eat all parts of a hydrangea plant?

Answer: Rabbits primarily consume the leaves and stems of hydrangeas, but they may also nibble on flower buds if they find them accessible. However, they tend to avoid consuming the flowers themselves.

5. Are there any rabbit-resistant hydrangea varieties?

Answer: While no hydrangea variety can be considered entirely rabbit-proof, some varieties are known to be less appealing to rabbits. Examples include the oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) and smooth hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens).

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6. Do rabbits only eat hydrangeas during a specific season?

Answer: Rabbits can potentially feed on hydrangeas throughout the year, but their feeding activity tends to be more pronounced during their active periods, such as spring and summer. During these seasons, when food is abundant, rabbits may target hydrangeas more frequently.

7. Are there any alternative plants rabbits prefer over hydrangeas?

Answer: While rabbits have a penchant for hydrangeas, their preferences may differ based on availability and region. Other plants that rabbits often target include lettuce, carrots, herbs, and some ornamental flowers like pansies and petunias.

8. Can rabbits cause significant damage to hydrangea plants?

Answer: Yes, if left uncontrolled, rabbits can cause significant damage to hydrangea plants. They have a tendency to browse on foliage, which can lead to defoliation and stunted growth. Severe rabbit feeding can even impact the overall health and survival of hydrangea plants.

9. Is it safe for rabbits to eat hydrangeas?

Answer: While rabbits may enjoy eating hydrangeas, it is not advisable as hydrangeas contain toxic compounds. Consuming large quantities of hydrangea leaves can be harmful to rabbits and may cause digestive problems or poisoning. It's best to prevent rabbits from accessing hydrangea plants altogether.

10. What are some signs that rabbits have been eating my hydrangeas?

Answer: Signs of rabbit feeding on hydrangeas include chewed or damaged leaves and stems, partially eaten flower buds, and evidence of nibbling at the base of the plant. Rabbit droppings near the plants can also indicate their presence and activity.

Will rabbits eat hydrangeas: A Recap

Rabbits, known for their voracious appetite, often pose a threat to gardens and plants. Hydrangeas, with their vibrant and attractive blooms, are no exception to this. In this recap, we delve into whether rabbits have a penchant for devouring hydrangeas and how to protect these beautiful flowers from these furry creatures.

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The primary question at hand is whether rabbits will eat hydrangeas. Through our exploration, we have discovered that rabbits are indeed attracted to hydrangeas and may not hesitate to nibble on their leaves and stems. This behavior can be particularly problematic for gardeners who have spent time and effort cultivating their hydrangeas.

To understand why rabbits are drawn to hydrangeas, we must consider their diet preferences. Rabbits are herbivores and tend to feed on a variety of plants and grasses. They are especially fond of tender and succulent foliage, which makes hydrangeas a delectable treat for them. Additionally, rabbits may also be attracted to the moisture content in hydrangea leaves, especially during dry periods.

Despite their fondness for hydrangeas, there are ways to protect these plants from rabbit damage. One effective method is to create physical barriers around the plants, such as wire mesh or fences, to prevent rabbits from accessing them. This is a proven strategy that can keep rabbits at bay and safeguard the hydrangeas.

Another technique that can be employed to deter rabbits is the use of natural repellents. Certain plants, like lavender, marigolds, or garlic, have strong scents that rabbits find unappealing. Planting these around hydrangeas can act as a natural deterrent and discourage rabbits from approaching.

It is important to note that while these preventive measures can be effective in deterring rabbits, they are not foolproof. Rabbits are agile creatures that can find ways to breach barriers and may develop tolerance to repellents over time. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly monitor and reinforce protective methods to ensure the safety of hydrangeas.

In conclusion, rabbits have a propensity for eating hydrangeas due to their herbivorous nature and attraction to tender foliage. By implementing physical barriers and utilizing natural repellents, gardeners can mitigate the risk of rabbit damage. However, it is vital to remain vigilant and adapt protective strategies as needed to maintain the integrity of hydrangea plants in the face of these persistent nibblers.

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