How To Set Up A Bearded Dragon Tank


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to set up a bearded dragon tank! If you are a reptile enthusiast or thinking about adding a bearded dragon to your pet collection, it's crucial to create a suitable and comfortable environment for your scaly friend. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up a bearded dragon tank, from choosing the right enclosure to providing the essential elements for their well-being. So, let's dive in!

Choosing the Right Enclosure

Size Matters

When it comes to selecting the perfect enclosure for your bearded dragon, size matters. These reptiles require ample space to move around, bask, and explore. A general rule of thumb is to provide a tank that is at least 40 gallons for an adult bearded dragon. However, if possible, it is better to opt for an enclosure that is 75 gallons or larger to allow for more freedom of movement. Remember, the bigger the tank, the happier your bearded dragon will be!

Material and Design

The material and design of the enclosure also play a significant role in the well-being of your bearded dragon. Glass tanks are the most popular choice due to their transparency and ease of maintenance. However, be cautious of using tanks with mesh tops, as they can hinder heat and humidity retention. Opt for an enclosure with a solid top or consider using a combination of glass and screen to maintain the ideal environment for your bearded dragon.

Creating the Ideal Habitat

Lighting and Temperature

Proper lighting and temperature are vital for the health and well-being of your bearded dragon. These reptiles are native to arid regions, so they require a basking spot with a temperature range of 95-105 degrees Fahrenheit (35-40 degrees Celsius). On the other hand, the cooler side of the tank should maintain a temperature of around 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius). Achieving these temperature ranges requires the use of heat lamps and a reliable thermostat.

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Additionally, bearded dragons require access to UVB lighting to metabolize calcium and prevent metabolic bone disease. Invest in a high-quality UVB light fixture and replace the bulb every six to twelve months to ensure optimal UVB exposure.

Substrate Options

Choosing the right substrate is crucial for maintaining a clean and hygienic bearded dragon tank. Here are a few popular options to consider:

1. Reptile Carpet: This is a popular choice as it is easy to clean and does not pose a risk of impaction if ingested.
2. Paper Towels/Newspaper: These options are cost-effective, easy to replace, and do not carry the risk of impaction.
3. Tile/Linoleum: These materials are durable, easy to clean, and provide a solid surface for your bearded dragon to walk on.

Avoid loose substrates such as sand and wood chips, as they can be ingested and cause serious health issues.

Providing Essential Elements

Hiding Spots and Decorations

Creating a natural and stimulating environment for your bearded dragon is crucial for their mental and physical well-being. Provide hiding spots and decorations to simulate their natural habitat. Use rocks, logs, and branches to create climbing opportunities and basking spots. Ensure that all decorations are securely placed and cannot topple over, potentially causing harm to your bearded dragon.

Hydration and Humidity

Bearded dragons require access to fresh water at all times. Place a shallow water dish in the tank to allow your dragon to drink and soak if desired. However, be prepared for the possibility of your bearded dragon defecating in the water, so regular cleaning is necessary.

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Maintaining optimal humidity levels in the tank is also crucial. Bearded dragons thrive in a dry environment with a humidity range of 30-40%. Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels and consider misting the tank occasionally to provide some moisture.


Setting up a bearded dragon tank requires careful consideration and attention to detail. From choosing the right enclosure to providing the essential elements for their well-being, creating the perfect habitat for your scaly friend is both rewarding and fulfilling. Remember to prioritize space, lighting, temperature, substrate, hiding spots, hydration, and humidity. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure that your bearded dragon thrives in their new home. So go ahead, set up that tank, and watch your bearded dragon flourish!


1. How do I set up a bearded dragon tank?

To set up a bearded dragon tank, start by providing a suitable enclosure such as a glass terrarium. Place a heat lamp and UVB light to create the right temperature and lighting conditions. Add substrate, such as reptile carpet or sand, along with furniture like basking spots, hiding places, and a water dish.

2. What temperature should a bearded dragon tank be?

The temperature inside a bearded dragon tank should have a basking spot temperature of around 95°F (35°C) to 105°F (40°C) during the day, while the cooler side should be around 80°F (27°C) to 85°F (29°C). At night, the temperature can drop to around 70°F (21°C) to 75°F (24°C).

3. How often should I clean a bearded dragon tank?

It is recommended to clean and disinfect the bearded dragon tank at least once a month. However, regular spot cleaning of waste and replacing the substrate near the water dish should be done every few days to maintain hygiene.

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4. What kind of lighting does a bearded dragon tank need?

A bearded dragon tank requires both a heat lamp and a UVB light. The heat lamp provides warmth, while the UVB light helps the bearded dragon produce vitamin D3 for proper calcium absorption, which is crucial for bone health.

5. Can I use sand as substrate in a bearded dragon tank?

While sand may appear natural, it is not recommended as a substrate for bearded dragons. Fine sand can cause impaction if ingested, leading to digestive issues. Using reptile carpet, tile, or paper towels as substrate alternatives is safer and easier to clean.

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