How To Keep Birds Out Of Your Tomatoes

How to Keep Birds Out of Your Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a popular fruit among many gardeners and bird populations alike. While birds can be a delight to watch, they can quickly turn into a problem when they start snacking on your ripe tomatoes. But fear not, there are a variety of effective methods to keep birds away from your tomatoes, so you can enjoy a bountiful harvest.

Why Do Birds Eat Tomatoes?

Birds are attracted to tomatoes for a few reasons. First, they are a sweet and juicy fruit, which birds find irresistible. Second, birds are naturally curious creatures, and the bright red color of ripe tomatoes can attract their attention. Finally, if birds have found a food source in your garden, they are likely to keep coming back for more.


One of the simplest and most effective methods of keeping birds away from your tomatoes is to use bird netting. This is a lightweight mesh material that is placed over your tomato plants to prevent birds from accessing the fruit. There are many different types of bird netting available, including fine mesh that will not harm birds, and heavy-duty mesh that will prevent even the largest birds from getting through.

When using bird netting, it is important to make sure that the netting is securely fastened to the ground and to any nearby structures, such as fences or trees, to prevent birds from slipping underneath. Also, make sure to check the netting regularly and repair any holes to prevent birds from getting in.


Another effective method of keeping birds away from your tomatoes is to use decoys. This can be anything from plastic owls or snakes, to reflective tape or CDs that flash in the sunlight. The idea is to create the illusion that a predator is present in the area, which will deter birds from coming near your tomato plants.

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When using decoys, it is important to move them around regularly, so that birds do not become used to their presence. Also, make sure to choose decoys that are appropriate for the size of bird you are trying to deter, as smaller decoys may not be effective against larger birds.

Sound Deterrents

Another effective method of keeping birds away from your tomatoes is to use sound deterrents. This can be anything from recorded bird distress calls, to high-pitched alarms or even a simple whistle. The idea is to create an unpleasant noise that will discourage birds from coming near your tomato plants.

When using sound deterrents, it is important to choose a deterrent that is appropriate for the type of bird you are trying to deter, as different birds are scared by different sounds. Also, make sure to move the deterrent around regularly, so that birds do not become used to its presence.

Physical Barriers

Another option for keeping birds away from your tomatoes is to use physical barriers, such as chicken wire or fine mesh. This type of barrier is particularly effective for smaller birds, as it will prevent them from accessing your tomato plants without harming them.

When using physical barriers, it is important to make sure that the barrier is securely fastened to the ground and to any nearby structures, such as fences or trees, to prevent birds from slipping underneath. Also, make sure to check the barrier regularly and repair any holes to prevent birds from getting in.

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Plant Deterrents

Another option for keeping birds away from your tomatoes is to plant deterrents near your tomato plants. This can include plants with strong scents, such as herbs like basil or rosemary, or plants with prickly leaves, like thorns or spiny bushes. The idea is to create an unpleasant environment for birds, which will discourage them from coming near your tomato plants.

When using plant deterrents, it is important to choose plants that are appropriate for your climate and soil type. Also, make sure to plant the deterrents close enough to your tomato plants to be effective, but not so close that they will interfere with the growth of your tomato plants.

Combination of Methods

For the best results, it is often best to use a combination of these methods. For example, you could use bird netting to prevent birds from accessing your tomato plants, and also use decoys or sound deterrents to discourage birds from even coming near your garden in the first place.

By using a combination of methods, you can create a multi-layered defense against birds, which will increase your chances of having a bountiful tomato harvest. Just remember to be patient and persistent, and eventually, you will find the combination of methods that works best for you and your garden.


In conclusion, keeping birds out of your tomatoes can be a challenge, but with the right methods, it is possible. Whether you choose to use bird netting, decoys, sound deterrents, physical barriers, or a combination of methods, the key is to be persistent and patient. With a little effort, you can enjoy a bountiful tomato harvest, free from the threat of bird damage.

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Q: How do I know which method will work best for my garden?

A: The best method for your garden will depend on the type of birds you are trying to deter, the size of your garden, and your personal preferences. It is best to experiment with a few different methods to see which one works best for you.

Q: Can bird deterrents harm the birds?

A: No, most bird deterrents are designed to be humane, and will not harm the birds. However, it is important to choose deterrents that are appropriate for the size and type of bird you are trying to deter, as some deterrents may not be effective against larger birds.

Q: How often do I need to change my bird deterrents?

A: It is important to move your bird deterrents around regularly, so that birds do not become used to their presence. The frequency with which you need to change your deterrents will depend on the type of deterrent and the size of your garden, but most experts recommend changing them every few weeks.

Q: Can I use bird deterrents in my vegetable garden?

A: Yes, bird deterrents can be used in a vegetable garden, including to protect tomatoes. Just make sure to choose deterrents that are appropriate for the type of bird you are trying to deter and the size of your garden.A: Yes, bird deterrents can be used in a vegetable garden, including to protect tomatoes. Just make sure to choose deterrents that are appropriate for the type of bird you are trying to deter and the size of your garden.

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