How To Get Wild Birds To Trust You

How to Get Wild Birds to Trust You


Birds are wonderful creatures that bring life and beauty to our gardens and parks. They come in all shapes and sizes, each with its own unique behavior and personality. If you are a bird enthusiast or simply someone who wants to attract birds to your yard, it is important to understand how to get wild birds to trust you. In this article, we will share tips and tricks on how to establish trust with these feathered friends.

The Importance of Trust

Birds are naturally cautious creatures, and they have to be in order to survive in the wild. Trust is not something that they will give freely, especially to humans who they may view as potential threats. However, by building trust with birds, you can have a closer and more meaningful relationship with them. Trust also allows you to observe their behaviors and habits, which can be an enriching and educational experience.

Tips for Building Trust with Birds

1. Provide a Safe Environment

The first step in building trust with birds is to provide a safe environment for them. This means ensuring that your yard or garden is free from predators and other hazards. This can be done by keeping your cat indoors, installing bird feeders and birdhouses in safe locations, and avoiding the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

2. Offer Food and Water

One of the easiest and most effective ways to get birds to trust you is by offering them food and water. This can be done by installing bird feeders, bird baths, and birdhouses. Choose bird-friendly plants that produce seeds, berries, and nectar, and place them near your bird feeders. Make sure to keep the food and water fresh and clean, and refill the feeders and bird baths regularly.

3. Be Patient

Birds take time to adjust to new environments and new sources of food and water. It may take a few days or even weeks for them to become comfortable with your yard or garden. Be patient and don't try to force the relationship. Let the birds come to you on their own terms and in their own time.

4. Avoid Sudden Movements

Sudden movements can startle birds and make them feel threatened. When you are near your bird feeders or birdhouses, move slowly and deliberately. Avoid waving your arms or making sudden gestures. If a bird flies away, give it time to settle down before approaching again.

5. Talk to Them

Believe it or not, talking to birds can help build trust. Birds are naturally curious creatures and they will be intrigued by the sounds you make. Talk to them in a soft, gentle voice and they may come closer to investigate. You can also play bird songs and calls to attract birds to your yard.


Building trust with wild birds takes time and patience, but the rewards are well worth it. By providing a safe environment, offering food and water, being patient, avoiding sudden movements, and talking to them, you can establish a close and meaningful relationship with these feathered friends. So why not give it a try and see what kind of birds you can attract to your yard?


1. What is the best food to offer birds?

The best food to offer birds depends on the species you want to attract. Common bird feed includes black oil sunflower seeds, cracked corn, millet, and suet. You can also offer dried fruit, nuts, and mealworms. It's important to choose food that is appropriate for the birds in your area and to avoid offering food that is moldy or stale.

2. How often should I refill my bird feeders?

It is important to refill your bird feeders regularly to ensure that the birds have a consistent source of food. The frequency of refilling will depend on the number of birds visiting your feeders and the amount of food they consume. It's a good idea to check your feeders at least once a day and refill them as needed.

3. Can I attract specific species of birds to my yard?

Yes, you can attract specific species of birds to your yard by providing the right food and habitat. For example, if you want to attract songbirds, you can provide a birdhouse and offer a variety of seeds and suet. If you want to attract hummingbirds, you can install a hummingbird feeder and offer nectar.

4. Are bird feeders and birdhouses necessary for attracting birds?

While bird feeders and birdhouses are not necessary for attracting birds, they can certainly make it easier. By offering food and shelter, you can create a more inviting environment for birds and encourage them to visit your yard more frequently. Whether you decide to use bird feeders and birdhouses or not, it's important to provide a safe and welcoming environment for birds.

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