How To Get Birds Out Of Your Chimney

How to Get Birds Out of Your Chimney: A Comprehensive Guide


Birds are lovely creatures that we all love to observe in our gardens and parks, but when they start nesting in your chimney, they can become a real headache. The sounds they make, the mess they leave behind, and the potential health hazards they bring with them can quickly become a nuisance. But don't worry, getting birds out of your chimney is not as difficult as it may seem. In this comprehensive guide, we will show you how to get rid of birds in your chimney in a humane and safe way, without causing any harm to the birds or your chimney.

Why do birds nest in chimneys?

Birds are attracted to chimneys because they provide a warm, safe, and sheltered space to build their nests. Chimneys also provide a good vantage point for birds to look out for predators and food. Some species of birds, such as chimney swifts, are known to build their nests in chimneys, while others may choose a chimney as a temporary refuge.

What are the dangers of having birds in your chimney?

While birds in your chimney may seem like a harmless nuisance, they can actually pose a number of dangers. For starters, bird droppings can carry diseases and parasites that can be harmful to humans, especially if they come into contact with your skin or eyes. Additionally, the flammable materials used by birds in their nests, such as twigs, leaves, and feathers, can pose a fire hazard if they get too close to your chimney's flue.

How to get birds out of your chimney

Step 1: Identify the type of bird

The first step in getting birds out of your chimney is to identify the type of bird that is causing the problem. This will help you determine the best course of action to take, as some species of birds are protected by law and cannot be removed.

Step 2: Install a chimney cap

Installing a chimney cap is an effective way to prevent birds from entering your chimney in the first place. Chimney caps come in a variety of sizes and designs, and can be easily installed by a professional.

Step 3: Use a chimney balloon

A chimney balloon is another effective solution for keeping birds out of your chimney. This inflatable device is placed inside the chimney and inflated, effectively blocking any birds from entering. When not in use, the chimney balloon can be deflated and stored away.

Step 4: Use a chimney cage

A chimney cage is a metal cage that is placed over the opening of your chimney. This will prevent birds from entering while still allowing smoke to escape. Chimney cages come in a variety of sizes and designs, and can be easily installed by a professional.

Step 5: Use a scarecrow

A scarecrow is a simple and effective solution for keeping birds away from your chimney. You can purchase a commercial scarecrow, or make your own using materials such as plastic bags and old CDs. Place the scarecrow near your chimney and move it around regularly to keep birds away.

Step 6: Remove the nest

If there is a nest already in your chimney, you will need to remove it in order to get the birds out. You can do this yourself, or hire a professional. Before removing the nest, make sure that the birds have left or are not inside the nest. This can be determined by observing the chimney for several days to see if there is any activity.

When removing the nest, use gloves and a mask to protect yourself from any potential health hazards. Gently remove the nest and any debris, and dispose of it properly. You can also install a chimney brush to sweep the chimney and remove any remaining debris.


Getting birds out of your chimney is a task that can be done in a humane and safe way, without causing any harm to the birds or your chimney. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can successfully get rid of birds in your chimney and prevent them from returning in the future. Whether you choose to install a chimney cap, use a chimney balloon, a chimney cage, a scarecrow, or remove the nest yourself, there are a number of effective solutions available to solve this problem.


1. Are birds in my chimney dangerous?

Yes, birds in your chimney can pose a number of dangers. Their droppings can carry diseases and parasites that can be harmful to humans, and the flammable materials used in their nests can pose a fire hazard.

2. Can I remove the birds and their nest myself?

Yes, you can remove the birds and their nest yourself, but it is important to do so in a humane and safe way. Make sure to observe the chimney for several days to ensure that the birds have left or are not inside the nest, and use gloves and a mask to protect yourself from any potential health hazards.

3. Is it legal to remove birds and their nests from my chimney?

Some species of birds are protected by law and cannot be removed. Before removing any birds or their nests, it is important to check local laws and regulations to ensure that you are in compliance.

4. Can a chimney cap prevent birds from entering my chimney?

Yes, installing a chimney cap is an effective solution for preventing birds from entering your chimney. Chimney caps come in a variety of sizes and designs, and can be easily installed by a professional.

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