How To Get A Wild Bird To Trust You

How to Get a Wild Bird to Trust You


Birds are beautiful creatures that can bring a lot of joy to our lives. Many of us love to watch birds in the wild, but sometimes it can be challenging to get them to trust us. If you're looking to build a relationship with a wild bird, this guide will help you understand the steps you need to take. From providing food to offering them a safe place to rest, we'll go over everything you need to know to get a wild bird to trust you.

Step 1: Provide Food

One of the best ways to get a wild bird to trust you is to provide them with food. You can place bird feeders in your yard or on your balcony, and make sure to refill them regularly. Offer a variety of seeds, fruits, and nuts to attract different types of birds. Be patient and persistent, and soon enough you'll start to see birds coming to your feeders on a regular basis.

Step 2: Offer a Safe Place to Rest

Another way to get a wild bird to trust you is to offer them a safe place to rest. You can do this by installing birdhouses or birdbaths in your yard. Birds will feel more comfortable coming to your yard if they know they have a place to hide from predators and a place to bathe. Make sure to place these structures in a safe location, away from potential dangers like cats or other predators.

Step 3: Be Patient and Consistent

It takes time for wild birds to trust humans, so it's important to be patient and consistent. Don't expect birds to come to you right away, but keep offering food and providing a safe place for them to rest. Over time, you'll start to see birds becoming more comfortable around you and may even start to approach you.

Step 4: Avoid Sudden Movements

Wild birds can be easily frightened by sudden movements, so it's important to avoid sudden movements when you're around them. Move slowly and calmly, and try to avoid making loud noises that could startle them. If you're trying to get a bird to come to you, hold out your hand slowly and let them approach you at their own pace.

Step 5: Offer Them Treats

Offering birds treats is another great way to get them to trust you. You can offer them mealworms, suet, or even bits of cheese. By offering them treats, you'll be building a positive association with you in their minds. They'll start to associate you with food and will be more likely to come to you in the future.

Step 6: Provide a Water Source

Wild birds need access to water, so it's important to provide them with a water source. You can do this by installing a birdbath or a small pond in your yard. Make sure the water is clean and fresh, and that the birdbath or pond is shallow enough for the birds to safely access the water.

Step 7: Spend Time in Your Yard

Spending time in your yard is another great way to get wild birds to trust you. By spending time outside, you'll become a familiar presence to the birds in your area. Over time, they'll start to recognize you and will be more likely to come to you when you're outside.

Step 8 : Avoid Using Chemical Pesticides

Using chemical pesticides can harm birds, so it's important to avoid using them if you want to get birds to trust you. Instead, use natural methods to control pests in your yard. You can plant herbs that repel pests, use companion planting to deter pests, or simply hand-pick pests off your plants. By avoiding chemical pesticides, you'll be creating a safe environment for birds to visit and will be more likely to get them to trust you.

Step 9: Offer Nesting Material

Birds need materials to build their nests, so it's a good idea to offer them nesting material. You can do this by placing a basket filled with twigs, grass, and other materials near your bird feeders. By offering them nesting material, you'll be providing them with a valuable resource and will be more likely to get them to trust you.

Step 10: Observe Them From a Distance

Finally, it's important to observe birds from a distance. Don't try to get too close to them, as this can cause them to become frightened. Instead, observe them from a safe distance and enjoy watching their behavior. Over time, you'll start to understand their patterns and will be more likely to get them to trust you.


Getting a wild bird to trust you takes time and patience, but it's well worth the effort. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to build a relationship with wild birds and enjoy their beauty up close. Whether you're a bird enthusiast or simply enjoy watching birds in your yard, following these tips will help you get a wild bird to trust you.


1. What is the best type of food to offer wild birds?

The best type of food to offer wild birds is a variety of seeds, fruits, and nuts. Offer a variety of food to attract different types of birds and make sure to refill bird feeders regularly.

2. How long does it take for wild birds to trust you?

It takes time for wild birds to trust humans, so it's important to be patient. It can take several weeks or even months for birds to become comfortable around you, so be persistent and consistent in your efforts.

3. Is it safe to touch wild birds?

It is not recommended to touch wild birds, as this can cause them stress and can also be dangerous for both you and the bird. Observe birds from a safe distance and avoid getting too close to them.

4. What can I do to make my yard more attractive to birds?

To make your yard more attractive to birds, provide food, offer a safe place to rest, offer treats, provide a water source, avoid using chemical pesticides, offer nesting material, and spend time in your yard observing birds from a safe distance.

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