How To Draw A Pelican Bird

How to Draw a Pelican Bird: A Comprehensive Guide


Pelicans are a group of large waterbirds that are well-known for their large bill and distinctive appearance. They are found in many parts of the world and are a popular subject for artists and bird enthusiasts. Drawing a pelican can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques and a bit of practice, you can create a beautiful representation of this magnificent bird. In this guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step process on how to draw a pelican bird.

Materials Needed

Before you start drawing, you need to gather the following materials:

1. Pencils

For this guide, we recommend using a set of graphite pencils ranging from 2H to 6B. This will give you the flexibility to create different shades and textures in your drawing.

2. Eraser

A kneaded eraser is best for this drawing as it is soft and can be molded into different shapes to erase specific areas.

3. Sketchbook

Any sketchbook will work, but a heavier paper will provide a better surface for your drawing and reduce the chances of smudging.

4. Reference Image

A reference image is an essential tool for any drawing. You can find many high-quality images of pelicans online or in bird reference books.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Sketch the Basic Shape of the Pelican

Start by sketching the basic shape of the pelican. Use light, quick strokes to create the overall outline of the bird. Focus on the head, body, wings, and tail. Ensure that the proportions are correct and that the pelican is facing the direction you want.

2. Add Details to the Head

Once you have the basic shape of the bird, you can start adding details to the head. Sketch the bill, eye, and crest. Ensure that the bill is proportional to the head and that the eye is placed in the correct position.

3. Sketch the Body

Next, sketch the body of the pelican. Pay attention to the contours of the body and the position of the legs. Ensure that the body is in proportion with the head and that the legs are placed correctly.

4. Add Details to the Wings

Once you have the basic shape of the body, you can start adding details to the wings. Sketch the feathers and the primary and secondary feathers. Ensure that the feathers are in the correct position and that they are proportional to the body.

5. Sketch the Tail

Sketch the tail of the pelican next. Pay attention to the contours of the feathers and the position of the tail. Ensure that the tail is in proportion with the body and that it is facing the correct direction.

6. Add Shadows and Highlights

Once you have the basic shape of the pelican complete, you can start adding shadows and highlights. Use a soft pencil to add shading to the areas that are in shadow, such as under the wings and behind the head. Use a lighter pencil to add highlights to the areas that are exposed to light, such as the head, bill, and body. This will give your drawing a more three-dimensional appearance and make it look more lifelike.

7. Refine and Blend

After you have added the shadows and highlights, it is time to refine and blend your drawing. Use a blending tool, such as a blending stump or your finger, to soften the lines and blend the shading. This will create a smoother, more polished appearance and make your drawing look more realistic.

8. Add Final Touches

Finally, add any final touches to your drawing, such as textures and details. Use a sharp pencil to add details to the feathers, bill, and eye. This will make your drawing look even more lifelike and give it a greater level of detail.


Drawing a pelican bird can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques and a bit of practice, you can create a beautiful representation of this magnificent bird. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can develop your drawing skills and create a stunning pelican drawing that you can be proud of.


1. What kind of pencils should I use for drawing a pelican?

We recommend using a set of graphite pencils ranging from 2H to 6B. This will give you the flexibility to create different shades and textures in your drawing.

2. Is it necessary to use a reference image when drawing a pelican?

Yes, a reference image is an essential tool for any drawing. It provides you with a clear idea of the proportions, details, and features of the bird.

3. Can I use a different type of eraser besides a kneaded eraser?

While a kneaded eraser is recommended for this drawing, you can use a different type of eraser, such as a plastic eraser, if you prefer. Just make sure that it is soft and can be molded into different shapes to erase specific areas.

4. How can I make my pelican drawing look more lifelike?

To make your pelican drawing look more lifelike, add shadows and highlights, refine and blend your drawing, and add final touches such as textures and details. These techniques will give your drawing a more three-dimensional appearance and make it look more realistic.

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