How Do I Keep Birds From Eating My Grapes

How to Keep Birds from Eating Your Grapes


Grapes are a popular fruit that are enjoyed by many people. However, they are also enjoyed by birds, which can be a problem for grape growers. In this article, we will discuss some of the best methods for keeping birds away from your grapes so that you can enjoy a bountiful harvest.

Understand the Problem

Before we dive into the solutions, it is important to understand the problem. Birds are attracted to grapes because they are sweet and juicy. They will often feed on the grapes, causing damage to the vines and reducing the yield. Additionally, birds can carry diseases that can infect your grape plants, further reducing the quality of your harvest.


One of the most effective methods for keeping birds away from your grapes is to use netting. Netting is a physical barrier that will prevent birds from accessing your grapes. There are several types of netting available, including bird netting, fruit netting, and garden netting. When choosing a netting, it is important to select a material that is durable and will last for several seasons. Additionally, choose a netting with a mesh size that is small enough to prevent birds from getting through, but large enough to allow sunlight and rain to reach the grapes.

Scare Devices

Another effective method for keeping birds away from your grapes is to use scare devices. These are devices that produce loud noises or flashing lights to scare birds away. Some of the most popular scare devices include bird scarers, bird bangers, and bird cannons. These devices work by creating a sudden and unexpected noise that startles the birds and causes them to fly away.


Decoys can also be used to keep birds away from your grapes. Decoys are fake birds or animals that are placed near your grapes to scare real birds away. For example, you can use a decoy owl, hawk, or snake to scare birds away from your grapes. Decoys are especially effective when they are placed near the grapes and are moved regularly to keep the birds from becoming accustomed to them.

Chemical Repellents

Chemical repellents are another option for keeping birds away from your grapes. These are sprays or granules that are applied to the grapes or the surrounding area to discourage birds from feeding on the grapes. Chemical repellents work by emitting a strong odor that birds find unpleasant, or by producing a taste that birds find unappealing. Chemical repellents are generally safe for the environment and for humans, but it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.

Planting Grape Varieties Resistant to Birds

Another option for keeping birds away from your grapes is to plant grape varieties that are less attractive to birds. For example, some grape varieties produce grapes with thicker skins, which are less appealing to birds. Additionally, some grape varieties produce grapes that are less sweet, which makes them less attractive to birds. When choosing grape varieties, it is important to consider factors such as disease resistance, hardiness, and flavor, as well as bird resistance.

Combining Methods

For the best results, it is often necessary to combine several methods for keeping birds away from your grapes. For example, you can use netting to physically protect the grapes, while also using scare devices and decoys to

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