How To Tell If Budgie Likes You

How to Tell if Your Budgie Likes You

Budgies, also known as parakeets, are popular pet birds known for their playful and social personalities. As with any pet, it is important to develop a strong bond with your budgie to ensure a happy and healthy relationship. In this article, we will discuss how to tell if your budgie likes you and what you can do to build a better relationship with your feathered friend.

Body Language

One of the easiest ways to tell if your budgie likes you is by observing their body language. A budgie that is comfortable and relaxed around you will often display the following behaviors:

Puffing up their feathers

When a budgie is relaxed, they will often puff up their feathers to show that they are comfortable and content. This is a good sign that your budgie likes you and feels safe around you.

Chirping and singing

Budgies are known for their chirping and singing, and if your budgie is vocalizing while in your presence, this is a good sign that they enjoy your company.

Perching on your finger or shoulder

Another sign that your budgie likes you is if they are willing to perch on your finger or shoulder. This is a sign of trust and indicates that your budgie feels comfortable and secure around you.

Bobbing their head

Budgies will often bob their heads when they are happy and content. If your budgie is frequently bobbing their head in your presence, this is a good sign that they like you and enjoy your company.

Interactive Behavior

In addition to observing your budgie's body language, you can also tell if they like you by their interactive behavior. Some signs that your budgie likes you include:

Playing and exploring with you

Budgies are naturally curious and playful, and if your budgie is engaging in these behaviors with you, this is a good sign that they like you.

Allowing you to pet them

If your budgie allows you to pet them and seems to enjoy it, this is a good sign that they like you and feel comfortable around you.

Feeding from your hand

If your budgie is willing to eat food from your hand, this is a strong indication that they trust you and enjoy your company.

Building a Strong Bond with Your Budgie

To build a strong bond with your budgie, it is important to spend quality time with them on a daily basis. This can include talking to them, playing with them, and offering them treats. It is also important to provide a safe and comfortable environment for your budgie, including a spacious cage and plenty of toys to play with.

Socializing with your Budgie

Socializing with your budgie is an important part of building a strong bond with them. This can include talking to them in a soft and soothing voice, offering them treats, and playing with them.

Providing a Comfortable Environment

A comfortable and safe environment is essential for a happy and healthy budgie. This includes providing a spacious cage, plenty of toys, and access to fresh food and water. It is also important to ensure that your budgie's cage is cleaned regularly and that they have a comfortable perch to rest on.

Training and Exercise

Training and exercise are also important for building a strong bond with your budgie. This can include teaching them simple tricks, such as flying to a specific perch, or allowing them to explore and play outside of their cage. Regular exercise will also help keep your budgie healthy and happy.


In conclusion, there are several signs that can help you determine if your budgie likes you. Observing their body language and interactive behavior, spending quality time with them, and providing a comfortable and safe environment are all important steps in building a strong bond with your feathered friend. By following these tips, you can ensure a happy and healthy relationship with your budgie for years to come.


1. How often should I spend time with my budgie?

It is recommended to spend at least 30 minutes per day interacting with your budgie to build a strong bond.

2. What kind of toys should I provide for my budgie?

Budgies enjoy a variety of toys, including swings, ladders, and chew toys. It is important to rotate the toys regularly to keep your budgie entertained.

3. How do I know if my budgie is happy?

In addition to the signs discussed in this article, a happy budgie will also display a healthy appetite, active and playful behavior, and a glossy coat.

4. Is it safe for my budgie to play outside of their cage?

Yes, it is safe for your budgie to play outside of their cage as long as the area is safe and secure. It is important to supervise your budgie at all times to ensure their safety.

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