How To Remove A Bird From A Glue Trap

How to Safely Remove a Bird from a Glue Trap


Bird glue traps are often used to catch pests in homes and commercial establishments. However, they can also trap non-pest birds, causing harm and distress. If you find a bird stuck in a glue trap, it is important to act quickly and safely to remove the bird and release it back into its natural habitat. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to remove a bird from a glue trap and prevent harm to both the bird and yourself.

What You Will Need

Before attempting to remove the bird from the glue trap, gather the following supplies:

- Vegetable oil or cooking spray
- A soft cloth or paper towel
- A large piece of cardboard or a shallow container
- Scissors or sharp cutting tool
- Gloves (optional)

Step 1: Protect Yourself

If the bird is still alive and in distress, it may try to defend itself by biting or flapping its wings. To protect yourself, consider wearing gloves and using a piece of cardboard or a shallow container to cover the bird's body while you work.

Step 2: Loosen the Glue

The key to safely removing a bird from a glue trap is to loosen the glue. To do this, gently apply vegetable oil or cooking spray to the bird's feathers and the surrounding glue. Allow the oil or spray to sit for several minutes to soften the glue.

Step 3: Remove the Bird

Once the glue has been loosened, carefully lift the bird from the trap using a soft cloth or paper towel. Hold the bird securely, but avoid applying too much pressure, as this can cause further harm.

Step 4: Clean the Bird

Using scissors or a sharp cutting tool, carefully cut away any remaining glue from the bird's feathers. Take care not to cut the bird's skin or cause any further harm. Continue to hold the bird securely as you work.

Step 5: Release the Bird

Once the bird has been freed from the glue trap and any remaining glue has been removed, it is time to release the bird back into its natural habitat. Choose a safe, open area away from danger and release the bird gently. Observe the bird for a few minutes to ensure it is able to fly away safely.


Removing a bird from a glue trap can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and a little patience, it can be done safely and effectively. By following these steps, you can help to protect the bird and prevent further harm. Remember, the best way to prevent birds from being trapped in glue traps is to avoid using them altogether. Instead, consider using alternative pest control methods that are safe for birds and other wildlife.


What should I do if I find a bird stuck in a glue trap?

If you find a bird stuck in a glue trap, follow the steps outlined in this article to safely remove the bird and release it back into its natural habitat.

Can I use other oils or sprays to loosen the glue?

Yes, you can use other oils or sprays to loosen the glue, but be sure to use a product that is safe for both

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