How To Keep Birds Off Your Mailbox

How to Keep Birds Off Your Mailbox

Birds can be a nuisance around your mailbox, leaving droppings and potentially damaging the mailbox itself. Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to keep birds away from your mailbox. In this article, we will explore the best ways to keep birds off your mailbox and maintain a clean and attractive outdoor area.

1. Install a Birdhouse

One of the simplest and most effective ways to keep birds away from your mailbox is to install a birdhouse nearby. Birds are naturally drawn to birdhouses, and if you provide them with a safe and comfortable place to nest, they are less likely to bother your mailbox. When selecting a birdhouse, make sure it is the right size for the type of birds you want to attract and that it is made from durable materials.

2. Use Reflective Tape

Reflective tape is an inexpensive and easy-to-install solution to keep birds off your mailbox. The tape reflects light, which birds find unsettling, and they will avoid landing on your mailbox. You can easily attach the reflective tape to your mailbox using double-sided tape or tying it on with string.

3. Install a Physical Barrier

Another option for keeping birds off your mailbox is to install a physical barrier around it. This can be as simple as attaching wire mesh or netting to the mailbox or surrounding area. The barrier will prevent birds from landing on your mailbox and will also keep them from accessing it.

4. Use a Decorative Statue or Sculpture

If you're looking for a more attractive solution to keep birds off your mailbox, consider installing a decorative statue or sculpture. Birds are often deterred by the presence of a statue or sculpture, especially if it resembles a predator, such as a hawk or owl. You can place the statue or sculpture near your mailbox to create a natural barrier that will keep birds away.

5. Apply a Chemical Repellent

There are several chemical bird repellents available on the market that can be used to keep birds off your mailbox. These repellents are typically sprayed on the mailbox and surrounding area, and they release a scent that birds find unpleasant. Chemical repellents are effective, but they may need to be reapplied regularly, and they can be harmful to other animals and plants.

6. Place a Fake Owl Nearby

Just as with a decorative statue or sculpture, placing a fake owl near your mailbox can be an effective way to keep birds away. Birds are naturally afraid of owls, and a fake owl can provide a convincing deterrent. When selecting a fake owl, make sure it is the correct size and shape for your area and that it is made from durable materials.

7. Set Up a Water Sprinkler

Birds are often deterred by sudden movements and sounds, and a water sprinkler can provide both. By setting up a water sprinkler near your mailbox, you can train birds to stay away. The sudden burst of water will startle the birds and they will avoid landing on your mailbox in the future.

8. Use a Sonic Bird Repellent

Sonic bird repellents emit a high-pitched sound that is only audible to birds. These repellents are effective in keeping birds away from your mailbox and surrounding area. Sonic repellents are easy to install and can be powered by batteries or plugged into an electrical outlet. Some models also have adjustable settings, so you can select the frequency that is most effective for your area.

9. Plant Deterrent Plants

Planting certain types of plants around your mailbox can help keep birds away. For example, planting lavender or eucalyptus can emit a scent that birds find unpleasant, while planting prickly plants, such as roses or holly, can create a physical barrier that birds will avoid.

10. Keep Your Mailbox Clean and Maintained

Finally, it's important to keep your mailbox clean and well-maintained. This will make it less appealing to birds and will also help it last longer. Make sure to remove any droppings or debris promptly and to keep the mailbox free of cracks and other damage.


Keeping birds off your mailbox can be a challenge, but there are several methods you can use to deter them. Whether you choose to install a birdhouse, use reflective tape, or plant deterrent plants, there is a solution that will work for your specific situation. By taking the time to implement one or more of these methods, you can keep your mailbox clean and attractive while also keeping birds at bay.


1. What is the best way to keep birds off my mailbox?

The best way to keep birds off your mailbox will depend on your specific situation and the type of birds you are trying to deter. Some popular methods include installing a birdhouse, using reflective tape, or setting up a water sprinkler.

2. Are chemical bird repellents safe for other animals and plants?

Chemical bird repellents can be harmful to other animals and plants, and they should be used with caution. Before using a chemical repellent, make sure to read the label carefully and follow all safety instructions.

3. How often do I need to reapply a chemical bird repellent?

The frequency at which you need to reapply a chemical bird repellent will depend on the specific product and the conditions in your area. Some repellents may need to be reapplied every few weeks, while others may last for several months.

4. Can I use a fake owl to keep birds off my mailbox?

Yes, a fake owl can be an effective way to keep birds off your mailbox. Birds are naturally afraid of owls, and a well-placed fake owl can provide a convincing deterrent. When selecting a fake owl, make sure it is the correct size and shape for your area and that it is made from durable materials.

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